Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Traveller

Out of eternal darkness did he rise,
From the threshold of which did  he gaze,
Much like a naïve lamb beholding the knacker’s yard.
With no one to steer him through the nefarious blackness of the malicious night,
Did he stroll through evil paths,
in pursuit of an alien quest ,
a one which would remove the pall ,
and reveal to him, the meaning of `Destiny’.

The path he did deem to be a less trodden one,
For the grass at it edges,
revealed its pristineness,
and the grit on the trail,
 reinforced his reckoning.

 For once did he not think the journey to be failing him,
for it was not in the fortune of any layman,
to learn the gist of life,
shrouded in darkness for good,
which , but our , traveler did.

Thus read his communiqué,
found by another youth in pursuit,
of his yet to be discerned providence.
“What lies within locked vaults,
is what we desire the most
What is within plain sight,
is what we close our eyes to.
To that house of the vice
is where to we are led,
lulled by the lone spectral chorus
 in the crowded path of malice.
That forbidden fruit
is at what we are enticed  ,
daring us to leap, over the, evermore, forbidden hedge
And to the arcane tree of knowledge,
wooed by the sly serpent.
The eternal mysteries of such kept secrets
will forver drive us to the edge,
but never will it have the might,
to hurl us over ,
to lend a hand to the remnants ,
For the invisible hand of His,
will lead, kindly light”
and  with that did his message come to an abrupt end.

Leavin many a questions unanswered ,
did our traveler reach,
 the final abode of all humans,
Beholding from heaven ,
with a profound smirk ,
the sight of a zillion erstwhile comrades ,
striding through the labyrinth of life,
hoping to unravel its perpetually veiled mysteries.
……..And after myriad of eons,
And countless tales of disillusionment,
Our traveler continues to keep watch,
for that one victor, who would,
bawl to the world, its untold legends.
and drape it in immortal bliss .

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hours  churned into days ,

days into months,

 months to years .

and the epilogue to this momentous manuscript begins thence,

when a capstone set in place

to adorn the crest of an eternally ephemeral boyhood,

spells it doom and has it foundered.

leaving behind the shattered remains,

of a tempest that razed a fine Sunday morrow

Time and transience the accomplices,

both of whom afford a wry aura,

on this crossroad of my terribly evanescent being.

The benign gloom of dusk,

and the garish glory of dawn.

The joy of foot set on a path afresh,

and the sorrow of another novel chapter ,

engraved in the tome of memories,

deserts a soul riven in half.

yowling like a ravenous wolf ,

and wailing like a forsaken child,

all but for none to hear,

chronicled, by the mighty keeper of time.

Years have been fleeting and never so quickly,

however many there seems to be,

all but stashed in the infinite vault of time,

to breathe life to which,

would be to flounce out of one’s grave.

for thus reads the edict

`As one flower blossoms ,

another must whither'.

our hour is now at hand,

to drink the grief of our parting souls,

with a toast to Him to earn a reunion,

years hence, when the tears of jubilant adulthood.

replace the tears of our extant grief.

Spare but a minute thence,

to think of our once common past

to send if not a wish to the then dear comrade,

Foreordained is the gist of this being,

that these days of bliss are never hence to be lived.

Blessed is he, who's etched in the memories of his brethren,

leaving behind in the tide of time,

imprints of a once humane life.